Dark Bass is your next preset collection for Serum here to give you a new collection of Bass sounds inspired by UK Bass and the Night Bass Label.
Wubz wubz and more wubz
Dark Bass is your next soundset for Serum inspired by the UK Bass sound made famous by artists like AC Slater, Phlegmatic Dogs, Taiki Nulight, Holy Goof, DJ Q, Bassboy, and many more.
In this collection, you will find a total of 140 Serum presets crafted for you to utilize these sounds in your productions, and achieve that dark bass vibe you've always wanted. The majority of this soundset will consist of heavy basslines ready to get the crowd going!
To spice things up we've also included 5 Construction Kits to get your ideas going. In the construction kits, you will find stems that you can use to start a track or use as ideas for your existing productions.
If you are ready to explore the dark side of bass, continue below to audition some of the presets and an overview of the soundset.
Serum Presets
WUB - Window Sniper
WUB - Reverb
BA - Dogs Are Lose
WUB - Rolex
WUB - White Dest
WUB - Nasty Time
PD - Siney Vibes
WUB - Simply Delici
WUB - Train
WUB - More Sines
BA - Dimensions
CH - ICY Vibes
WUB - Square Dest
WUB - FM Great
WUB - Squelchy BA
WUB - Saw Much
WUB - Danger Zone
BA - Old Geezer
WUB - Not Again
WUB - Smooth FM
WUB - Snappy Time
WUB - Rough
LD - Cheese Is Good

140 Presets in the style of UK Bass For Serum
5 Construction Kits
Sample Pack Containing Drums and FX
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What version of Serum and Sylenth1 do I need to run the presets?In order to be able to run the presets for Serum and Sylenth1 you will require the latest updates for both of them. You can find the updates at www.xferrecords.com and www.lennardigital.com
How do I load up the Serum presets?Tropical Revolution contains Serum presets which will require you use them with some noises we have provided. You will first install the presets in the presets folder of serum. For PC Documents/XFER/SerumPresets/Presets For Mac C:\Users\ YOURUSERNAME \Documents\Xfer\Serum Presets\Presets\ You will then install the Noises we have provided in the noises folder of serum. For PC Documents/XFER/SerumPresets/Noises For Mac C:\Users\ YOURUSERNAME \Documents\Xfer\Serum Presets\Noises
Are the samples processed and ready to go?The samples inside of Tropical Revolution have been processed to achieve utmost quality while still providing some freedom for creative mixing and processing.
Does Zen offer private classes?Yes, he offers one on one sessions. You can read more information here: https://www.evosounds.com/services-7
Is this pack royalty free?All Evolution of Sounds sound packs are royalty free. However the FLP Project files for Tropical Revolution will not be royalty free at the request of EDWAN. You can still use the FL project files and make something with it as long as it doesn't contain the original melody and chords. The Ableton Project files can be turned into full tracks and released if desired.