The Sound of Modern Tech House
Ever since we started the Deceiver series, we’ve been inspired by the support from the Tech House community. Being AVID Tech House enthusiast we wanted to deliver a well rounded production tool for you to create your next batch of releases.After months of experimentation and finalization Deceiver Vol 6 is ready. Inspired by artist like James Hype, Mau P, Fisher, Chris Lake, Matroda, Michael Bibi,Mochakk,Noizu, Joshwa, and many more diverse tech house artist. This is a versatile version you won't want to miss.
The Most Practical Tech House Toolset

Samples and Soundbanks should make your life easier and at Evolution Of Sound we want to provide samples and presets that you will come back to use systematically. To do this we create every sample and presets on a sound that has proven itself.
For example, in this pack we referenced James Hype, as this year he brought a new style of lead into the Tech House scene revolving around Granulation. We found a way to get that same vibe in our Serum presets without the usage of plugins. This create a fresh new sound for you to use with a formula that works.
We followed this process for our samples, creating an array of sounds with new techniques we learned from the Rock community in recording drums and layering them up with samples that are staples to maintain the same formula but add a fresh new variable into the picture.
Tech House Preset Previews
187 Serum Presets to Elevate Your Music to Mainstage

Over 1.5Gigs of Practical Samples

To Jump Start Ideas or Fill In Gaps
Music Production shouldn't be complex; it should be an outlet for people to express themselves. We seek to give back to the music we love by helping the new generation of artists achieve the sound they want. We accomplish this by investing time into creating highly sought-after sounds so that producers can learn from them and use them in their art.
These soundbanks help fund the Zen World/Evolution Of Sound youtube channel that has been bringing up-to-date production tutorials for music producers worldwide for ten years.
I appreciate your Support.
Zen World / Evolution Of Sound

Artists That Use The Deceiver Series

Tech House
What version of Serum and Sylenth1 do I need to run the presets?In order to be able to run the presets for Serum and Sylenth1 you will require the latest updates for both of them. You can find the updates at www.xferrecords.com and www.lennardigital.com
How do I load up the Serum presets?Tropical Revolution contains Serum presets which will require you use them with some noises we have provided. You will first install the presets in the presets folder of serum. For PC Documents/XFER/SerumPresets/Presets For Mac C:\Users\ YOURUSERNAME \Documents\Xfer\Serum Presets\Presets\ You will then install the Noises we have provided in the noises folder of serum. For PC Documents/XFER/SerumPresets/Noises For Mac C:\Users\ YOURUSERNAME \Documents\Xfer\Serum Presets\Noises
Are the samples processed and ready to go?The samples inside of Tropical Revolution have been processed to achieve utmost quality while still providing some freedom for creative mixing and processing.
Does Zen offer private classes?Yes, he offers one on one sessions. You can read more information here: https://www.evosounds.com/services-7
Is this pack royalty free?All Evolution of Sounds sound packs are royalty free. However the FLP Project files for Tropical Revolution will not be royalty free at the request of EDWAN. You can still use the FL project files and make something with it as long as it doesn't contain the original melody and chords. The Ableton Project files can be turned into full tracks and released if desired.